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What Are The Differences Between Veneers & Crowns?

What Are The Differences Between Veneers & Crowns?

If your smile needs a bit of support to get to the look you want, two really popular ways to get great results are veneers and dental crowns.

At first glance, these two procedures can seem really similar. However, once you break them down you can actually see that veneers and crowns are completely different, and used to address different issues entirely!

Keep reading to understand the differences between dental crowns and veneers.

patient smiling after a procedure

What Are Veneers?

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that gets attached to the front surface of the natural tooth, changing its appearance completely. Veneers are a great way to fix:

  • Badly stained or discolored teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Minor chips and cracks
  • Irregularly sized teeth
  • Misshapen teeth, etc.

Veneers are a minimally invasive procedure, and only require a tiny bit of enamel shaving to ensure the bonding process holds. This means that veneers are an irreversible procedure, but the prepping is so minimal that it will not lead to any extra sensitivity to unwanted effects on your natural teeth.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are small caps designed to cover the entire tooth. They are usually used when a natural tooth has been damaged, either because of a crack, large chips, or a big cavity.

Though they have a cosmetic role, dental crowns are mostly used as a tooth reconstruction method and are not recommended for perfectly healthy teeth. This is because the tooth needs to be shaven down and resized to fit the crown.

What Are the Differences Between Crowns and Veneers?

Crowns and veneers can be both used to enhance a person’s smile. They are permanent and can offer a seamless and natural look, as they are both customized to the patient’s specific tooth color and overall shape.

Still, crowns and veneers have some major differences you should know:

  • Role - Though veneers can help strengthen the tooth a bit, they are mostly a cosmetic procedure, while dental crowns help restore the tooth’s function on top of its look;
  • Oral health support - Veneers only cover the front surface of the tooth, meaning the rest is still exposed to food particles and bacteria. Dental crowns offer complete protection of the natural tooth;
  • Insurance - Veneers are typically not covered by dental insurance since they are cosmetic procedures. Your dental insurance may cover the cost of a crown if it’s used to restore a damaged tooth.

Which One Do You Need?

If your teeth are perfectly healthy, veneers are the better way to change your smile’s appearance. Dental crowns are the best choice in cases where the natural tooth is damaged.

Our Northhampton cosmetic dentists can help you find out which of the two procedures will truly give you the results you want, and help support all your oral health needs.

To get started, book an appointment at Refresh Valley Dental today!

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