Dentures in Northampton

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are detachable appliances designed as replacements for lost teeth. They can be created using prosthetic or artificial teeth attached to a structure that makes them removable. Dentures provide an effective way of replacing missing teeth as they are less costly than bridges or dental implants.

Dentures allow individuals to maximize oral function. This means that you can communicate better. Dentures can also return your mouth and cheek to their original look, thus restoring your smile and promoting a youthful appearance. Modern dentures are made with natural-looking and more advanced materials.

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Did you know…

Unlike other dental appliances, you can enjoy your favorite meals with a denture!

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What to Expect When Getting Fitted for Dentures


When you visit your dentist in Northampton, our dentists will perform an oral assessment and scan your teeth to determine if dentures suit you. We will also take you through the steps, explain what to expect, and give you the advice you need to stay comfortable throughout the process.


We will take molds of your mouth to design a denture personalized for you. The mold is then taken to a laboratory, where a “try-in” denture is made from wax. The “try-in” dentures will fit you well before the actual dentures are finished.


Your dentures are fitted, and we will give you instructions on how to maintain them. We will then ask you to highlight any sore spots to create room for minor adjustments.

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Complete Dentures

These are dentures used by patients who have lost their upper or lower teeth or both. They are placed or supported by the jaw and rest on the gum directly.

Partial Dentures

These dentures are used for patients who have lost a few teeth. Partial dentures are typically supported by gums, natural teeth, or connective structures made from plastic or metal.

Snap-On Dentures

Snap-on dentures are special dentures that attach to dental implants that dentists drill into the jawbone. They’re also known as implant-supported or overdentures and are a popular choice for patients countrywide. These dentures contain two to four locators that snap onto the top of the abutments on your dental implants. They’re removable and provide extra stability and retention compared to traditional dentures.

Did you know…

Complete dentures can last between 5 and 10 years, while partial dentures can last upto 15 years.

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Dentures Frequently Asked Questions

How do I care for my dentures?

Whether dentures are full or partial, they require regular and proper care to keep them clean and free from bacteria and stains. Proper maintenance can keep your mouth and dentures in the right shape. This may involve regular cleaning, maintaining good oral health, and scheduling visits to the dentist regularly. If your dentures feel loose, you should see your dentist as soon as possible.

Can I eat/drink normally with dentures?

Once you are adjusted to wearing your dentures, you should be able to eat anything.

Can Snap-On Dentures Be Removed at Night?

Yes, you can remove your snap-on dentures at night, and dentists recommend doing so just like you would with other types of dentures. Remove your dentures and place them in a water-filled denture box. This allows your gum tissue to rest and prevents denture stomatitis, where the region under your dentures becomes red and swollen, sometimes leading to yeast infection.

You should also remove your dentures periodically (at least daily) to clean them. Doing so prevents the build-up of bacteria that might cause gum disease. It’s also important for keeping your dentures looking their best and extending their longevity.

How Long Do Snap-On Dentures Last?

Snap-on dentures eventually wear out due to the constant snapping on and off of the locators. These dentures last between 12 to 18 months before you'll have to replace them. Changes in your gum line could also warrant premature replacement because they affect your denture’s fit. You’ll need to schedule an appointment to refit your dentures to retain their functionality.

How well you care for your dentures plays a crucial part in determining their longevity. Taking care of your dentures is as easy as cleaning them with a denture brush and anti-bacterial soap daily before you go to sleep. You should also clean your gums and implants with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste before putting your dentures back on.

How Much Pain Is Involved With Getting Dentures?

Full-implant dentures require extraction of the remaining. Tooth extraction is typically an invasive procedure, but dentists use a local anesthetic to numb the pain. Patients then must wait one to three months for the gums to heal.

Once healed, the dentists will schedule an appointment to install the dental implants. This involves making an incision on the gum tissue to expose the bone, then drilling the dental implants inside. These implants will anchor your dentures in place. The dental implants will fuse with the bone, and only then can you wear snap-on dentures.

How Do You Know It’s Time to Reline Your Dentures?

Over time, dentures lose their grip, but relining helps them maintain this grip. Relining is reshaping the underside of dentures so that it fits snugly on the patient’s gums. You may need a denture to reline if you’re having difficulty chewing or eating everyday foods. You’ll also need a reline if you develop mouth sores and gum infections.

Did you know…

Dentures are designed to fit appropriately around the gums.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (413) 387-4585 to schedule